Socorro grew up in a family of healers. Her great grandmother and grandmother were herbalist and medicine women and Socorro’s mother practices energy healing work. Her father was raised in Chalchihuites a village in Mexico where his family for generations have owned crystal mines. Since early childhood, Socorro was extremely attracted to crystals and their healing properties.
Socorro is a trans channeler who has been providing vibrational and crystal healing work, including crystal grid mapping for over 15 years. She has worked extensively with Native American council members helping with crystal grid work, balancing and harmonizing the energy on their land. Socorro has practiced and researched many types of energy healing from different cultures around the world leading to a unique eclectic practice of her own. She has experienced crystal energies viscerally on many levels through their impact on her thought, clarity, mood, and physical wellness and calmness. She is a Kundalini yoga practitioner. In meditation crystals have shown her many powerful spiritual messages that have guided her life’s direction. Crystals have also provided her benefits emotionally and physically. Through these experiences she has become passionate about using crystals as a healing tool. Socorro believes crystal grids are like a manifestation-amplifier for any area of one’s life — money, health, relationships, happiness. She is passionate about the healing practice and has dedicated herself to raising the vibration for others designing personal grids as well as industrial and real estate projects.
*Socorro has been working with developers and builders adding the grids to the foundations prior to building to balance and amplify the energy. She is based in the LA area but works with clients all over the world.

I have had the good fortune of working with Socorro at our Wellness events and as a health advocate and broker for a large casino and Tribe in San Diego. I can say that Socorro is an important participant in our events. She provides customized energy grids and essential oil knowledge and environmental preparation. She is a treasured resource and trusted very much by the Tribe and Tribal government employees for her healing work.
Sherrill M, San Diego, CA
I have worked with Socorro over the past 5 years. Her work has brought so much balance and clarity to my personal life as well as to my home. Working the crystal grids has been something completely new for me and for my family. Socorro has made the process feel so easy to understand and the energy has completely shifted and it is felt. I am very grateful to have her in my life.
Christina M., Los Angeles, CA