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Leeta Kunnel has been a professional healing arts practitioner for over 3 decades, with a diverse and potent background including: Herbology, Aromatherapy, Flower and Gem Therapies, Therapeutic Bodywork and Energetic Modalities, Polarity, Sacred Dance and Movement, as well as Music and Visual Arts.


Early in her childhood, Leeta lived in Spain and Austria and traveled throughout Europe with her family, until landing in northern California (Lake Tahoe and Santa Cruz). Leeta was intuitively drawn to the healing power of nature, and began to train and study Herbology and Plant Medicines with Internationally renowned medicinal Herboligsts Richard Schulze, (founder American Botanical Pharmacy) and Dr Christopher Hobbs. She then studied Craniosacral & Polarity therapies at IPSB with Mentor Gary Strauss, (Founder of Life Energy Institute), and polarity and sound healing with Mentor John Beaulieu.  She received her first certification in 1985 from Cypress Health Institute in Santa Cruz.


Leeta eventually moved to Los Angeles in 1989.  Leeta’s healing arts practice culminated in the opening of her business One Love Beauty in 2008. Nestled in the mountainside of Topanga Canyon. One Love Beauty is a cozy magical space where she has worked with thousands of clients, of all ages. She facilitates, navigates and applies the necessary support for her clients to begin untangling emotional knots, rebooting and clearing from old outdated perceptions, to make new creative leaps, connecting more deeply to a spiritual path, to ground and integrate a transformative life experience. She conducts her healing sessions and creates transformative formulas for clients. These aromatic therapeutic mists are created from a refined palate of energetic organic elements from nature, energetic essences and essential oils. As a tenured healing artist, Leeta continues to offer her unique vision and healing modalities, while holding the space for growth on an evolutionary path. It is her great honor and joy to do this work.


* We are so grateful to have Leeta working with CHH creating these customized blends of Aroma mists aiding in the healing and balancing of your personal work and environments.


"Every now and then we all need someone to hold our hand through the thick of life, and when Leeta holds mine it feels like the universe in all its mystery and possibility is behind her, holding it too . That's what it feels like to be in Leeta's space."



"Leeta is an angel walking on earth.  She is our gift in the canyon and has made me so many healing mists that aid in healing and do exactly what is needed."


"Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony."


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